Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Association Range Rules
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM OR AT SUNSET WHEN EARLIER THAN 7:OO PM
Saturday – Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM OR AT SUNSET WHEN EARLIER THAN 5:00 PM
Closed Monday and the last Sunday of each month to all gun fire.
Guest of a member, must sign the waiver in the sign-in notebook at the range they are using and pay the $10.00 range fee. (See Guest Policy)
Public: Open to the public on Wednesday and Sundays 10am-5pm and is contingent on the he Gate house being staffed. Waivers must be signed, and fee of $15.00 paid. Check the calendar for events on those days.
- Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, at our range that is the berms.
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Always keep your gun unloaded until at the firing line ready to shoot.
- Know your target and what is beyond.
- Know your firearm and how it operates.
- Wear eye and hearing protection on the ranges.
- Members must use sign-in logs posted at each range; 40-yd-range log is posted at the 40-yd entrance, 50-yd, 100-yd range and Long Range rifle log is inside the warm-up shack, Archery and Shotgun range log is located on the back wall of the Club House.
- Members are responsible for their guest while on the range. Guest must sign waivers located in sign-in logs, logs and fee box ($10/day/person) are posted at each range.
- No drugs or alcoholic beverages allowed on the club grounds.
- Do not handle your firearms while anyone is down range.
- Firearms must be unloaded and holstered or unloaded, action open, (chamber flags recommend) on table muzzle down range, before anyone goes down range.
- Communicate with all shooters as to “HOT RANGE” ready to shoot or “COLD RANGE” all firearms are unloaded, and the range is safe. Repeat the call for “HOT” / “COLD” range.
- Shoot only authorized targets. No ground-level targets or trash targets, i.e., glass, metal, or plastic containers.
- Targets must be placed such that shots passing through them will hit the impact berm, no ground strikes are permitted on any of the ranges.
- No exploding targets or ammunition and no tracer ammunition allowed at any range.
- Shoot only designated firearms on the appropriate ranges.
- Pick up all used targets, trash, and empty casings when finished. Use trash cans and brass buckets provided by the range or take them with you. Dismantle, recycle targets, stow target sticks and portable target stands back where they belong. There is no staff to clean up.
- When entering and exiting the gate do now allow people to come thru the gate unless they show you their badge with current year stickers.
- Membership badges must be worn in plain sight while on the grounds.
- To transport your firearm from the parking lot to the ranges, between ranges and on the
- range- firearms must be UNLOADED and cased or UNLOADED and holstered.
- Members and guest that conceal carry must go to the unload station upon arrival and unload CCW firearms before going continuing to any range.
SHOTGUN RANGE RULES: Shotguns only. No shot larger than 7 1/2. Shot velocity not to exceed 1200 FPS. Read range rules on the sign posted at the shot gun range, upon arriving at the trap range. |
ARCHERY WILDERNESS TRAIL: No firearms allowed on the archery range or trail. Once you start, continue to the end. Before entering the trail read the rules posted on the sign at the entrance of the archery trail. |
LONG RANGE RIFLE: 200- and 300-yard benches are open for long range use Sunday, Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10:00AM to noon exclusively. Cardboard or paper targets must be posted on the target backers No portable target stands allowed. Long range shooting on the right side of the road only. |
50 YARD PISTOL RANGE: FIREARMS ALLOWED- All handguns and rifles, and any shotgun and loads are allowed. TARGETS ALLOWED-Use only paper and cardboard targets and must be placed on the target backers, no mid-range targets allowed. You may shoot between the 50-yard bench and the target backers. PROCEDURES- You may use tables provided in the warm-up shack to create a new line of fire down range. All shooters must be on the same line of fire. First to arrive chooses the firing line. |
100 YARD RIFLE RANGE: FIREARMS ALLOWED- Rifles- ammunition up to and including 50 caliber BMG and Black powder firearms are permitted. Handguns using rifle caliber ammo. TARGETS ALLOWED- Paper and targets only, must be placed on the target backer, no mid-rage targets. May shoot steel plate in the tire, no rapid fire at the steel plate, please. HOT/COLD RANGE PROCEDURE- Call for a “COLD RANGE” when everyone on the shooting line is ready, rifles unloaded, action open and chamber flags (if available) all shooters stand behind yellow line, away from rifles before anyone goes down range and Turn on RED lights to signal a cold range. Communicate with all other shooters “COLD RANGE” unloaded and range is safe. No handling of firearms when anyone is down range. “HOT RANGE” procedure- check and double check the range is clear, call for a hot range and make sure everyone repeats the call, turn off red lights, you are now ready to load firearms and shoot. When calling for a hot or cold range make sure all shooters repeat the call. |
40 YARD PISTOL RANGE-has 2 OPTIONS for shooting areas FIREARMS ALLOWED- Pistols and Pistol-caliber carbines using up to .45 ACP or rifles using rim-fire cartridges, Shot guns with 7.5 shot or smaller. No rifle caliber handguns allowed. TARGETS ALLOWED-paper targets, CRSO approved steel and activators, use target stands provided by the range. Steel targets in middle bay- must stand behind the yellow chain on the ground and the posted signs on the wall., minimum of 10 yards. Steel shooting takes priority over paper targets in the middle bay. * PROCEDURE FOR SHOOTING FROM THE 40 YARD BENCH The Red flags must be lowered. The yellow chains need to be put up across both side entrances and across the main entrance to the 40-yard range. All bays must be checked and cleared before making the range hot, Targets must be placed high enough on the stands to ensure all bullets impact the berms. Communicate “Hot/Cold Range” with members shooting from the bench. * PROCEDURE FOR SHOOTING FROM INSIDE THE BAYS The Red flags must be raised All shooters must shoot inside the walls of bay, all shooters in each bay shoot from the same firing line. Communicate “Hot/Cold Range” with members inside the bay you are shooting in. Firearms-Never break the 180 degrees in the bay. Targets must be placed high enough on the stands to ensure all bullets impact the berms. |
“COLD RANGE” PROCEDURE- All firearms are unloaded, magazines removed, holstered, bagged or actions open and benched. DO NOT handle any firearms when anyone is down range. Communicate with everyone and have them call back “COLD RANGE”. Proceed down range.
“HOT RANGE” PROCEDURE -check and double check everyone is back behind the firing line, communicate with everyone and have them call back “HOT RANGE” before handling any firearms. Proceed to load and shoot.
40 Yard Pistol Range – There are three separate bays. At the end of each fence, a flagpole has been attached with a pulley system to be used to raise a red flag when a shooter / shooters are down range. Any time a shooter is down range using any one of the three separate bays, both red flags are to be raised. This will indicate that the range is “hot” and firing is no longer allowed from the bench, and no firearms are to be handled at the existing firing line which is under the shed roof.
General usage of the 40 Yard Pistol Range:
Any member or non-member and/or guest who has signed a wavier and paid his or her fees, arrives at the 40 Yard Pistol Range prior to any other shooters and wishes to shoot from a down-range position (not at the bench – closer to the main impact beam), will be responsible for raising the red flags on each fence prior to setting up any targets. This will give a clear indication that someone is down range getting ready to begin shooting.
A member or non-member who arrives at the 40 Yard Pistol range and sees the red flags are up and wishes to shoot from a firing line at the bench (under the shed roof), that person should move to the 50 Yard Pistol/Rifle Range. If the 50 Yard Pistol/Rifle Range is full and there is no room to accommodate the member and his or her guest, then they can return to the 40 Yard Pistol Range and safely communicate to the down range shooter that they would also like to use a part of the range.
There are two options. Option number one: Communicate with the shooter already using the range. There are two other bays available if you wish to shoot within one of the other bays. Option number two: If you wish to shoot from the bench under the shed roof, communicate this in a courteous manner to the down range shooter. Please allow the down range shooter to complete his or her exercise.
At this point the down range shooter will remove his or her targets and move back up range to the bench under the shed roof and lower the flags. Always remember to be courteous to the shooter who is on the range.
Always remember: Do not handle your firearms when a person is down range.
A copy of these rules must be printed and signed before you will be allowed to use the range.
Click here for a printable copy of these rules – Range Rules
Jefferson County Sportsmen Association is an affiliate of the NRA and as such provides a training environment for all NRA Certified Instructors. Any NRA certified instructor who wishes to use the range can apply to the Executive Committee.
We have three instructors currently running classes at our facilities, and recommend all training contact be done through the Rangemaster
- Erin Hubbard, Rangemaster ( )
- Kathryn McKenney, Instructor (
- John Ebner, Instructor ( ) ( 360-385-3652 )
· Home Firearms Safety
· Basic Pistol Class
· Basic Rife Class
· Personal Protection Inside the Home
· Personal Protection Outside the Home
· Conceal Carry Training
· Range Safety Officer Class (RSO)
· JCSA Range Safety Officer Class
· Intermediate Pistol
· Ladies only Classes
· One-on-one Training
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife provides hunter education classes as well. Their contact information can be found on their website at
Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Association Guest Policy
It shall, henceforth, be the policy of the Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Association (JCSA) to limit the number of times a non-member may use the facilities of the Association, to specify the conditions and to assess a range fee for visits in excess of the limitations herein provided. A non-member is defined as any person who is not a member in good standing of JCSA. A member is defined as any person who has met the qualifications for membership, has paid appropriate dues for the then-current year, and has received a range orientation and safety briefing.
- A non-member who is part of the immediate family of a club member may use the facilities of the Association, as a guest of the member, on two separate occasions of one day per occasion at no charge to the guest or the member.
- For each occasion a family-member guest wishes to visit and use the facilities of the Association in excess of the two visits in 1 above, a per diem range fee of $10.00 will be charged and payable to the Association and collected in the fee boxes posted on each range.
- Non-members under the age of 18 may use the facilities of the Association free of the per diem range fee of $10.00 under the following conditions:
- An adult club member in good standing will accompany and supervise the activities of the non-member guest at all times.
- The number of guests under the age of 18 who are sponsored by a member whose range use fee has been waived shall be limited to two guests during any one visit.
- Guests who are not immediate family members of the sponsoring member shall be subject to a per diem range use fee of $10.00 for each occasion acting as a guest.
- Every guest must read the range rules, read the waiver sign-in posted In the note book posted at each range, for each occasion by signing the guest register and indicating the name and badge number of the sponsoring member.
- Notwithstanding the payment of the range fee, a guest must be sponsored and accompanied by a member at all times while at the facility.
- Members are limited to the number of guests they may sponsor at any one occasion to two. Sponsoring members assume full responsibility for the conduct of any guest sponsored.
- Non-member participants in Association-sponsored events, who pay the appropriate event fees, and who register with the event coordinator are considered to be “guests-of- the-Association” and are exempt from the per diem range fee in 4 above.
- Exceptions to any of the above policy statements must be approved by the Board of Directors in advance.
- Not withstanding any other condition set forth in this policy, all guests will be required to execute the standard release of liability, waiver, and indemnification agreement before being allowed to use any of the club facilities.
Archery Range
Bows Permitted:
NO broadhead points or arrows
ARCHERY WILDERNESS TRAIL: Once you start, continue to the end. Do not turn back. No firearms allowed on the archery range or trail.
To get to the 40 Yard Pistol Range: After entering the gate, travel straight ahead about 250 yards to the parking area near the rifle range. The pistol range is located on the west side of the rifle range.
The 40-Yard Pistol Range is comprised of 3 individual action pistol bays within a larger square range. Shooters are encouraged to use an individual Action Bay instead of the covered bench to maximize use of the range. Shooters are required to use individual Action Bays during Action Pistol Practice, training, and all scheduled events except law enforcement night ops.
Only pistol caliber handguns and rifles are permitted on the 40-Yard Pistol Range. No rifle calibers firearms or shotguns of any type are allowed on the 40-Yard Pistol Range.
Portable target stands are provided on the 40-Yard Pistol Range and can be set at any distance from the firing line.
Target height MUST be set to ensure that all rounds impact the berm.
No trash targets like tin cans, water jugs, frying pans, or other such target are permitted. Use only approved paper and cardboard targets on an approved target stand.
A plate rack is available for shooters in one of the Action Pistol Bays. Do NOT shoot steel targets closer than 10 yards to minimize the ricochet hazard. No other steel targets are allowed on the 40-Yard Pistol Range except during scheduled events.
The pistol range is generally unsupervised except during Action Pistol Practice, organized training and scheduled events.
Safety is our most important concern. Communication between shooters is vital to safe enjoyment of your pistol shooting experience. Make sure all firearms are unloaded and placed bench with the actions open, or bagged/cased, or holstered before going down range to check your targets. Be aware that scheduled events may use somewhat different rules of that event’s sanctioning organization.
Pick up your spent cases and put into the buckets or cans provided and pack out your garbage and used targets. Dismantle and put the target stands away when finished.
For information about our Action Pistol program, contact our Range Master.
Check the website calendar to verify the 40-Yard Pistol Range is available before departing for the range.
Enjoy and be Safe!
To get to the 50 Yard Pistol Range: After entering the gate, travel straight ahead about 300 yards to the parking area near the rifle range. The pistol range is located on the west side of the rifle range.
The 50-Yard Pistol Range is one single bay, with a covered bench and permanent target backers at the berm.
Firearms allowed:
- Handguns: any rimfire or centerfire caliber.
- Rifles: All modern rimfire and centerfire rifles up to 45-caliber.
- Shotguns: all gauges, all shot sizes and slugs.
- All black powder handguns.
- All black powder muskets and rifles.
Targets MUST be set on the backer boards at the berm.
Shooters may shoot at intermediate distances. Folding tables are stowed in the Warm-up Shack for your convenience.
No trash targets like tin cans, water jugs, frying pans, or other such target are permitted. Use only approved paper and cardboard targets on an approved target stand.
The pistol range is generally unsupervised except during Action Pistol Practice, organized training and scheduled events.
Safety is our most important concern. Communication between shooters is vital to safe enjoyment of your pistol shooting experience. Make sure all firearms are unloaded and placed bench with the actions open, or bagged/cased, or holstered before going down range to check your targets. Be aware that scheduled events may use somewhat different rules of that event’s sanctioning organization.
Pick up your spent cases and put into the buckets or cans provided and pack out your garbage and used targets. Dismantle and put the target stands away when finished.
The 50-Yard Pistol Range is very popular. Check the website calendar to verify the 50-Yard Pistol Range is available before departing for the range.
Enjoy and be Safe!
To get to the 100 Yard Rifle Range: Proceed straight ahead after entering the gate to the parking area about 300 yards down the drive way. You will see a covered firing line with several shooting benches and an open area with more firing points for those who don’t want to shoot from prone or other natural positions. The warm-up shed is on the west end of the cover and there is a Porta Pottie nearby.
Firearms Permitted:
- Rifle Caliber firearms
- Black Powder muskets and rifles
- Black Powder cannon up to 2″ bore – must use east (right-side) lane
- Modern rifle caliber firearms over .45 caliber must use east (right-side) lane
The 100-Yard Rifle Range has a fixed target hanging area at the impact berm and all targets must be mounted on these backer boards on the rifle range. No portable target stands or intermediate targets are permitted on the rifle range except if specifically authorized by the Range Master for special events.
Shooters are permitted to go down range to shoot shorter distances than 100 yards but extreme care and communications with other shooters is required for safety. Good sportsmanship and patience is key to short-range shooting on the rifle range. It is generally unsupervised so shooters must be constantly aware of their shooting environment to insure safety.
Special safety rules apply for shooters wishing to use the 200 or 300 yard firing points situated to the right of the driveway leading to the 100-Yard Rifle Range.
Always physically check to make sure that the 40-Yard Pistol Range, 50-Yard Multi-Purpose Range, 100-Yard Rifle Range and Warm-up Shack are completely unoccupied before handling firearms at the 200 or 300 yard firing points.
NRA High Power matches are conducted the second Sunday of each month beginning at 10:00 am and running till 4 pm. This is a supervised event and only participants will use the rifle range NRA High Power matches. All are welcome and the match fee is generally $15.00 per shooter.
To get to the 100 Yard Rifle Range: Proceed straight ahead after entering the gate to the parking area about 300 yards down the drive way.
The 200 & 300 yard Rifle Benches are available on Tuesday & Friday mornings from 10 to Noon, as well as every Sunday 10 to Noon except for last Sunday of the month
Firearms Permitted:
- Rifle Caliber Centerfire firearms ONLY
The 200 & 300 Yard Rifle positions have two (2) fixed target hanging area at east (right) of the impact berm. All targets must be mounted on those backer boards on the rifle range.
Special safety rules apply for shooters wishing to use the 200 or 300 yard firing points situated to the right of the driveway leading to the 100-Yard Rifle Range.
Always physically check to make sure that the 40-Yard Pistol Range, 50-Yard Multi-Purpose Range, 100-Yard Rifle Range and Warm-up Shack are completely unoccupied before handling firearms at the 200 or 300 yard firing points.
To get to Shotgun Range: Shotguns only.
Upon entering the gate, make an immediate left turn and travel along the roadway approximately 1/10 of a mile. The clubhouse is directly ahead with parking to the right.
The trap field has three trap houses and an adjacent area to the right for patterning shotguns.
Regular JCSA sponsored trap shootings are every Wednesday and Sunday (except the last Sunday of the month when the the range is closed), We will then be open on the last Saturday of the month. Hours are from 1000 AM till approx. 12 noon. Volunteers reserve the right to close early due to inclement weather or lack of participants. Range fees are $5.00 for members or $6.00 for non-members for a line of trap, consisting of 25 targets thrown from Pat Traps with voice activated Canterbury wireless releases. A 10 line punch card is available for members only for $40.00. Junior members (18 and under) are also welcome to shoot for $2.00 per line. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Shooters may use the trap range at other times the range is open, but must bring their own targets and throwing device. Hand traps/mechanical devices are permitted, but must be adjusted to throw into the field area in front of the trap houses not so high to have shot go beyond the tree line. Standard clay targets only.
Any gauge shotgun is permissible but shot size is restricted to 7 1/2 or smaller. No Steel shot permitted. Maximum velocity is restricted to ATA (American Trap Assoc.) limits.
1 1/8 oz.——1290 fps.
1 oz. ——— 1325 fps.
7/8 oz. ——-1350 fps.
Buckshot and slugs are not permitted on the trap range, but may be used on the 50-Yard Multi-Purpose Range. No shotgun slugs or 00 Buckshot permitted on the patterning board. Check with the Range Master before you set up if you have any questions.
No Trash Targets, and clean up afterwards. Barrels for spent hulls are located next to the Clubhouse.
STEP ONE:Place base of stand on the ground in front of you so you view it like the picture at the right. | ![]() |
STEP TWO:Insert two uprights into the slots on the base like the next picture at the right. These uprights, also called “sticks” become the parts you will be stapling a sheet of cardboard onto. It is recommended you use ½” staples to do this for a more secure attachment of the cardboard sheet. Put about three or four staples along each edge of the large cardboard sheets and into the sticks.The cardboard sheets provided are about 24” wide and some are about a yard long. We also have half-sheets that are about 24” wide and 18” high. Note the half-sheets can also be oriented vertically by moving the sticks closer together in the base slots. Use the sheet that is compatible with your target. | ![]() |
STEP THREE:Attach your paper target to the cardboard sheet with ¼” or 3/8” staples, tacks or tape. Whatever you use, make sure your target is secure to the cardboard.THE RULES:Don’t use the base, by itself, as a target holder. Put a complete unit together.Take it all apart and put it away when finished. If the cardboard is still in good condition, you only need to remove the stick/cardboard panel assembly, as a unit, to put it away in the bin provided.Discard broken sticks.Ricochets over the berm are a danger to the public. Do not allow bullets to strike the floor of the range. Mount targets high enough so shots will pass through to the impact berm.Remember, your behavior at the range can affect us all. Unsafe practices will be dealt with according to the by-laws. If you’re not sure about something, ask the Range Master or another JCSA officer. | ![]() |